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since when is sufism part of islam?
by John Fernandes on Mar 01, 2007 01:42 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

this idiot mirwaiz doesnt know or doesnt want to know that sufism is not part of islam . throughout arab world sufis are looked upon as barbaric people living on peripheries of islamic civilisation
they are accused of taking islam back to age of jahiliyah because according to arab muslims ( who know what real islam is , rather than their subcontinental slaves , after all they ' gave ' islam to these idiots in the subcontinent ) worship at dargah is forbidden yet u see so many indian muslims going to dargahs .
in medina even if u stop for some time in front of prophet mohammeds dargah u are whipped by saudi guards because after all mohammed is only a prophet and he is not to be worshipped. so if the worship at the grave of the prophet himself is disallowed what can u say of worship at dargahs of lesser muslims like one in ajmer or mumbai
i know all this because i myself was a shia before my conversion to christianity. i challenge any muslim to debate with me on this including the barelvi idiot zakir naik

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  RE:since when is sufism part of islam?
by Suraj Yadav on Mar 01, 2007 03:04 PM   Permalink
ur absolutely right bro

here is the link for more information

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  RE:since when is sufism part of islam?
by Indian Analyst on Mar 02, 2007 01:32 AM   Permalink
I am very curios to know about your reasons for conversion.
1. Christianity says that there is only one god and Jesus is the god, son of god, prophet etc... These religions have intolerance built into the religion (no other god other than jesus).
Why do you think that outside bullshit is better than our bullshit ?

Also, sufism has given an Indian color to Islam. It does deviate from the basic Sunni beliefs. Maybe the sunnis believe that sufism is not part of Islam, but who's asking them.

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