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kahsmir separatist forces are isi agents
by Suman Bhat on Mar 02, 2007 09:07 AM   Permalink

these netas talk about the kahsmiryat? where was pain compassion, tears when 100000 pundits butcherd fromlast 19 yrs. their woman raped children beheaded and temples destoryed. GOI give these ppl ml Rs houses vvip security imported cards these netas support jihadi terrorists to keep the militancy alive to loote GOI india. if india stops financing kahsmir will one poor taliban mulla state like afghnistan. thsee netas never miss a tea party with devil musharaf but called a strike when ind prsed (beong to minority community)
it therse ppl are in amy islmaic country they woulr have punished under sahariyalaw without any front page ad. india has become safe heavenfor jihadi terrorists. mulla isi agents aunder communal thliban upa.

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'Pak made many mistakes on J&K'