The questionner was obviously anti-Pakistan and anti-Kashmir, presenting a clear bias in his questions like "where Pakistan has throttled the people's voice" or "Why must people like you demonstrate your affinity to Pakistan again and again". WHy dont you ask "why do you work with the Indian government when they carry out so many rapes and murders against your people?" if she wants to be balanced. And then she puts words like "PoK" in parentheses. Why not "Pakistan-Adminstered Kashmir" or keep it as it is since its HIS words. Or how about "IoK" too, just to be fair? Honestly, Aasha Kosha, you are a terrible, biased reporter.
RE:is Article was Unfair!
by rishi singh on Mar 02, 2007 01:27 PM Permalink
It's good that article is anti-pakistan....anyway u r reading an article in Rediff INDIA not in any paki site.
And by the way.....why do paki authors write 'Indian Held Kashmir' instead of Jammu & Kashmir????
If you want to treated at par, first try to treat others at par !!!
RE:RE:is Article was Unfair!
by Puneet Mahajan on Mar 02, 2007 11:20 PM Permalink
Forget it Rishi, These pakis live in a world of their own cut off from reality.. still thinking that they can succeed with force against India. Thats why India's economy is growing by leaps and bounds and Pakistan is going deeper into their own hole of garbage. Buddy, if you have to break a country, you do not take 50 years, you do it in one go, like India did with Pakistan & Bangladesh. Time to think about your own people and move out of extremism or you'll face the reality like Afghanistan did and Iran will soon. (Have not named Iraq, 'cause really that was unjustified)