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Truth is above all...
by on Mar 01, 2007 12:01 PM   Permalink

Ok ...enough is enough! Y dont u finally tell the truth.
1.That Pandit's are an exploitative community that move ahead by hook and crook...ask any "Hindu"...they concur
2.That its not the first time U guys hightailed it out of Kashmir...this is probably the 12th time in our long history u have done it...and U will do it again...tell me what type of a person leaves his motherland, to get outraged by others..... arre kuch to sharam karo..
3.When U used to come back to Kashmir after these 'forced' migrations... u used to blame these very 'Hindu's' of discrimination that it might please the man on the street.. one look at Kalhan's Rajatarangini will confirm this important fact: Message: Dont trust the deserter!
4.In case of confusion , restart from point no 1

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'Pak made many mistakes on J&K'