What is kashmiri looking for. Independence . Ffrom whom???? 1. Indian govt. ? So that they can go have there own govt or power. But will that help kashmir to achieve anything ( Anything means any growth ). If yes then look at the developed side of world they are strong and highly developed because they are UNITED. 2. Indian Trrops ? Why did Indian troops come to kashmir. Not for Spending vacation ofcourse and in the due course look at the figures how much of them lost their life without fighting anybody!!.( I wonder if there will be no troops if kashmir is free!! it will be there but it will be kashmiri troops) bcause we cannot forsee any resistance of terriost related activity even in that era. 3.To have democracy. Impossible bcause not Hindu would like to go in state where they where dragged out of there house. 4. for Pak Govt . All the best!!
RE:What is Kashmiri looking for???//
by Shahryar Pax on Mar 09, 2007 09:58 AM Permalink
Mirwaiz (a fancy word for mullah?) is hoping for a theocratic kingdom in Kashmir led by him! Which is why he is a separatist.
He acquired his qualification for religious leadership via his genes!
Ideally he should migrate to Pakistan-occupied J&K to look after his flock there which is being oppressed by the Pakistan govt. forces and stop worrying about Indian Kashmiris who seem to be thriving in all states of the Union except J&K, where Paki-sponsored terrorists have not been eradicated yet.