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  RE:Root cause of indian Problem and world problem
by venkat on Mar 02, 2007 02:52 AM   Permalink
You are right. Hindus are foolish and suicidal when they support these aggressive an intolerant religions.

Hindus need to study Quran and Bible ..That is the only way they can survive the onslaught and get exposed to the hatred preached.

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  RE:Root cause of indian Problem and world problem
by Adnan Ansari on Mar 02, 2007 06:17 AM   Permalink
Hindu Nazi fundamnetalists basking under the guise of the US war on terror have targetted the Muslims again, and I am sure the Indian agencies will again implicate the innocent Muslims again.

This is getting too much,

Gujarat Genocide of Muslims,

Malegaon Bomb Blasts,

Mumbai Bomb Blats

Samjohta express

All caried by the Hindu Nazis and blamed on the Muslims becuase its easy times. Pakistan kick india ASS all the time you call your self modern media and future super power go and do a reality check the poverty in india is there to stay its the indian society dynamic.

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  RE:RE:Root cause of indian Problem and world problem
by bharath Hindu on Mar 03, 2007 04:08 AM   Permalink
to the Muslims of India..instead of worshipping a delusion (allah)...I say it's a delsuion because the fellow(muhammed) who said the very existance of ur god is himself a terrorist & rapist.. who killed and advocated the killings of millions in hte name of one would be a fool to trust this criminals words that allah's never late..see what Hinduism has to offer to you..just try going through all your days in Islam..what did it give to you? mental agony, extremism, non tolerance, a "terrrorist" brand in the world and most of all a life as stranger in ur own home ..dont keep second thoughts..revert back to the religion of ur forefathers...and live a peaceful life from here after...come back to Hinduism..!!Jai ShriRam!!

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  RE:RE:Root cause of indian Problem and world problem
by junk on Mar 02, 2007 08:01 AM   Permalink
Tell me where poverty is not there.
This fker PAKI bloody was there once upon a time
now come back again.
You have pay here to write anything in this site
you bloody PAKI.
Are you teaching peace to the world. Go and
tell them in Hell to your people.

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  RE:RE:RE:Root cause of indian Problem and world problem
by Adnan Ansari on Mar 02, 2007 08:35 AM   Permalink
You bania ugly lookin chamar india go and put some weight on you and then talke 2 me or go burn your self and come back as a RAT or may be as a snake oh or snake charmer wake up from a dying relegion.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:Root cause of indian Problem and world problem
by rishi singh on Mar 02, 2007 10:42 AM   Permalink
abe tu apna katwa kar bhaut uchal riya hai....

U will go and bury urself within the earth....where ur allah will meet, as he is also condemed to stay below the ground....not allowed by people to see the sunlight !!!

dum hai to reply kar....abuse report mat karna.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:Root cause of indian Problem and world problem
by Ranga Krishnan on Mar 02, 2007 10:53 AM   Permalink
Hey Idiot Ansari,
What are you barking?. Hindu religion will remain eternal boy. Do you know your Bloody Islam is 1800 yrs old and what was the religion of your ancestors before 2000 yrs. They all were non-Muslims and since the Arab and Mugals raped your ancestors now you are barking as Muslim dog. Not only you, but the majority of the Muslims are offspring of rape victims. But one thing is sure. Christians will erase your Islam from world and that is what happening all over the world. Hindu religion is millions of years old and will remain as the only religion of the universe for ever.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:Root cause of indian Problem and world problem
by junk on Mar 02, 2007 08:49 AM   Permalink
You bloody born to a terrorist. You terrorist
PAKI will die in the face of gun & bomb,
that is the fate of you people, nobody will
stop it. You fundamentalist idiot.

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  RE:RE:Root cause of indian Problem and world problem
by Raj on Mar 02, 2007 11:23 AM   Permalink
Mr. Adnan Ansari,
Since your trained monotheist meaning your inherently stunted in your mind, please help your self to educate yourself with modern conversation techniques. Please examine the words of sadam.

Sadam in his action made it quite evident, the primary assumption in his life and his premise which led to the assumption, while the end statement just summed it all up as to what happened of them. His acknowledgement of his false assumption and premise was made by deliberately missing the body of the sentence, the critical word, he made sure that the monotheistic fool do not understand him while others could understand the message. Message was simple and straight that his belief in Mr Allah made him a fool.

His premise was that, Islam is a religion of believers and the believer%u2019s undertake a relentless struggle against the non believers and Iraq was part of a holy war in the holy land. This was evident in his actions.
Also pretty evident in his action was, his assumed purpose and role like many holy warrior around the world to fight the non believers. But, in the end he realized the fact that truth was contrary to his believed premise & assumption, he also understood the hollowness of Koran.

Read his conclusion with important piece which he delibartely left for people to insert after closely studying his life. .
Thus his conclusion was, in Islam %u201Cthere is no God, but only believers of God %u201C

To be noted Islam is a religion of believers.

So all shameless musalmans in India cooperate with us to revert you back to Hinduism.

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  RE:RE:Root cause of indian Problem and world problem
by venkat on Mar 02, 2007 06:30 PM   Permalink
Muslims live in parallel world of denial, conspiacy theory and manufactured griveances.

I just feel sorry for them.

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'Pak made many mistakes on J&K'