dear hurriyat , i am pleading you to stop asking for freedom and start to help in building our nation. Please note :: I am pleading you going down on my knees...with my head bent down.... not because India is afraid of you, but because if you ask too much, we may just give you what you want.and that will be a sad day for you as well as for us.
I am proud of my country for it has a bigger heart.
I sincerely hope that you and other seperatists realize how much pain they r inflicting on the 1 billion peple who love them. and all this for issues that simply do not hold water.
RE:I am proud of India
by Raj on Mar 01, 2007 06:46 AM Permalink
No pleading, stop it, times of Nehru are over. We need to force rule of land. on Kashmir. Kashmir does not belong to especially muslim people, they were shameless than they are shameless now and forever, they are cowardly converted hindus. They need to either revert back or face dire consequences. IF they create problem in India, we will tutor them properly
RE:I am proud of India
by SHAM SUNDER on Mar 01, 2007 04:24 AM Permalink
Hurriyat has the freedom
They talk like on indian soil only becuase India gives them that freedom ..... Farooq Sahaab had been killed if he was on the pakistan soil and talk abt freedom ... Those try to say thr truth pakistan kill them ..even they have done same on the indian side ... Only becuase 90% kashmiri's are muslim does not mean they belong to pakistan ... Mr Farooq you know the truth ..tht is why you are chnagint the langauge .... If kashmiri's are killed in Kashmir so is the Indian citizens ...You are trying to take the benefit of Indian hospitality.. which is not goint to happen weather you sit on Mussaraff or Mussarraff on you