He SAYS - "On the ground, there is a yearning for peace in Kashmir, Azad Kashmir and everywhere. However, New Delhi has to take an important lead in this. We expect the government of India to declare a ceasefire with militants in Kashmir and give it a try for at least the next six-eight months. They have done it before. Also, India needs to withdraw troops from public places. After this happens, Hurriyat will try hard for reciprocity. Things will change dramatically."
Why don't you have pakistan govt and all these fighting bodies, do a unilateral cease fire just for 6-8 months and stop all the support to militants, or the so-called-freedom-fighters. And give the peace movement from India a chance. May be there would be no bomblasts as the supplies dry up and may be peace would previal as the focus of people would change from fear to growth and would start making money instead of bombs.