where is the equality in congress raj?,even middle class is getting poorer and poorer, with such a high price rise,how do u live a decent life, y do u pay taxes when it is not accounted well, let only one congress mp show his true monthly expenditure x 12 months and give us that amount as tax free income.do u have guts to speak truth? if not y u r talking about gandhiji's principle.swear mr.finance minister, r u not taxing us for water,electricity,air,at every steps we are taxed,and even the homeless person when he buys something it is heavily taxed,beware people are fedup,u cannot test the bearing power of indians,u r pressing the spring to more than its limits.families r divided, now imagine to travel daily by mumbai local by 70 yr old man from mira rd to churchgate for his daily bread,if u hv guts do it for a day as ordinary man and show us and i wash ur feet and drink that water.this is a message for all the parties, to address the ground reality.:BHARTIYA