RE:SAD & BJP for Punjab!
by Mahesh on Feb 27, 2007 02:58 PM Permalink
Well said Aviram. BJP can have anyone as their ally. They talk big of party with a difference and all such things. But I am afraid this difference is the party taking India towards barbarism as someone here has said.
RE:RE:SAD & BJP for Punjab!
by Aviram Vijh on Feb 27, 2007 03:01 PM Permalink
and see mahesh! they removed my post for speaking the bitter truth! i am ashamed for indians...bcoz i wrote abt bhindranwale, my post got removed! amazing! Mr. Moderator, i hope u are listening!
RE:RE:RE:SAD & BJP for Punjab!
by Mahesh on Feb 27, 2007 03:10 PM Permalink
The moderator must be scared, the same way the common people were scared of Taliban. It is very depressing even to think of these people coming to power at the centre. It makes you feel scared to death. Just imagine what minorities must be going through.
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:SAD & BJP for Punjab!
by Mahesh on Feb 27, 2007 03:21 PM Permalink
Mr Jairaj, Do you suggest then we create a Hindu Taliban here in India because you find somewhere else Islamic Taliban. Do you want to act stupid here because someone else has acted stupid in some other part of the world. Good logic.