by prashanth kumar on Feb 27, 2007 02:37 PM Permalink
its utter one sided message.Its peoples collective verdict and one person can not comment on it
by anand yni on Feb 27, 2007 02:55 PM Permalink
"People Living in Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones" is a wise old saying. You must remember it before jumping into conclusions!! Thanks to connection with people in high places, Interpol proclaimed offender Quattrocchi got away cheaply for the second time. Are your cousins ruling or ruining the country?
by mukesh thakur on Feb 27, 2007 02:42 PM Permalink
You are 'pessimism' personified. Every party, every person and every situation has its bright and dark side. Why harp on the dark side alone? You mentioned about 'we being slave', what ill-founded conclusion. Our industrialists and young scholars are performing extremly well world over and you conviniently ignore that. Why are you so much annoyed with BJP? In your own interest you must have balanced and unbiased approach to any matter.
by Suresh Verma on Feb 27, 2007 02:51 PM Permalink
Hi, Its strange that people who use internet must be educated but mindset is so???,where they clain BJP a Brahmin party.Its different thing that all parties have criminals but why steriotyping a party who raise voice for Hindus,that to when some thing is wrong.They have muslim,Sikh & Christian leader & follower.Do you think Congress which is party for POOR have made life tought for Poor due to steep price hike,even middle class is facing the burn.There should be a base for critisising a party for just nothing.Hope you re think about your statement.
by Kashi Akhoon on Feb 27, 2007 03:29 PM Permalink
Please for Gods Sake Come back to your origional home to which you belong . I understand you have been influenced by anti hummanists time and again resulting changing of your origional course of faith , Come back, be a true son of your forefathers who were belonging to only one faith (HINDUISM).Believe me this way you would be doing justice to your grand fathers who were influenced to change the path and your forefathers would love it.Be pure by faith and mind
by Sushil G B on Feb 27, 2007 02:41 PM Permalink
Then why don't you form a party and set an example my dear. Its easy to say than done. If you are telling BJP as BRAHMIN JATIYA PARTY then what congress is doing. Stop this useless talks and tell me have you casted your vote till date!? If no then u don't have any moral rights to talk on all such issues.
by bora reddy on Feb 27, 2007 02:59 PM Permalink
People like you who converts for a college seat or a cristian girl have no right to comment on graceful hindus, who allows ditrectors like you to live peacefully in the society.
by Ranga Krishnan on Feb 28, 2007 06:30 PM Permalink
Heloo My dear Precilla, Tell me, who is the FATHER of your Jesus and How a VIRGIN Lady can give birth to a child. First answer this quiestions and some other day we can discuss politics of ROME and conduct and character of your POPE
by hariom rai on Feb 27, 2007 02:50 PM Permalink
Slave to other countries? U need not waste ur time writing messages here. Ur name tells everything gentleman.Madam Sonia u have 1 supporter on rediff