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Congress is chasing its defeat ...
by Kishore Babu TVN on Feb 27, 2007 12:19 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

In 2004,Congress has got around 40MP's and landslide victory in AP assembly. Today Congress is in centre only due to landslide victory given to it by AP people.
Even though Dr.Reddy is trying to do his level best,there is no support to AP from centre,just becaz all are congress MP's.Had these been belong to different party by this time so many projects might have come to AP. Even the FAB city project was started almost 2yrs of its announcement. These MP's doesnt open their mouth fearing of high command. Consecutively fourth Railway budget has came and just mere is done to AP.

True, We need to look for all states, but nothing is done for four yrs is something that%u2019s not acceptable.No one could accept such ill treatment except congress MP's of AP.They just say its not good and keep quite.For development of Roads neighboring states are getting around 500cr per year where as for AP it is just 55crores.No new rail lines.

Now ppl are seeing the different treatment getting by AP and TamilNaidu and started thinking on those lines.In 2009,the story of Congress will be completely closed as In Hyderabad region TRS will win and Costal region TDP will win (as shown by recent local body elections) and As told by TRS leader, in AP Congress will give its party office for rent after 2009 election.In turn this results in loosing its power at centre.

In WB ppl are electing Lefts and in Gujarat BJP Modi will come back, TN always Local parties, because these states understood the attitude of Congress that it will neglect the ppl who support it. Congress is chasing its defeat by such muddy policies.By 2009 everyone comes to know that Sonia is just hype not a statesman to lead a party.

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  RE:Congress is chasing its defeat ...
by shamarao moorthy on Feb 27, 2007 01:05 PM   Permalink
Dear Kishore,

Your analysis is correct. But what will happen in future. Congress will bring 4-5 actresses in the stage and ask for votes. We, south Indian people just put our votes congress only without thinking of nation. For all Southern States people (except Karnataka) looking for Cinima only. For example Mandir for Kushpu etc.

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  RE:Congress is chasing its defeat ...
by Raj Aryan on Feb 27, 2007 12:58 PM   Permalink
People of AP did a great injustice to a very able person like Chandra Babu Maidu by defeating his part telgu desham in last elections. Now you guys have to face the consequences. He was the person who put AP on the global tech map and ironically the people of his own home state ditched him. Now AP will have reverse development it will go back to where it belonged during Nizam period.

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  RE:RE:Congress is chasing its defeat ...
by Sharath Madavaram on Feb 27, 2007 01:15 PM   Permalink
Raj aryan, I am a supporter of CBN and thanks for sympathies. But I think that doesnt warrant to be a ruler for ever. People elected him for 2 terms and thats a good period. I personally would like to see at centre. There are many good leaders around and who deserve an opurtunity.

First thing we all have to do is to ditch gandhis and scindias. How about limiting people to only 2 terms....

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  RE:Congress is chasing its defeat ...
by lucky y on Feb 27, 2007 01:28 PM   Permalink
You said it right, but why to blame Center for that ? What on earth is our beloved CM Dr.YSR doing ? He's been busy criticising ChandraBabu and attacking the media, day in and day out.

If you have watched his interview in Devil's Advocate, you will realise how arrogant he is.
He is a total disappointment for the people of AP.

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  RE:RE:Congress is chasing its defeat ...
by Kishore Babu TVN on Feb 27, 2007 02:05 PM   Permalink
Well,Naidu has done good for IT but completely ignored cultivation especially poor section.we cant say to a person who lost his two legs
hi,look at others(say IT guys), they are working hard and getting money,why do u need support from Govt, work hard?
Agriculture needs to b given more priority as they cant go somewhere in search of Job where as IT ppl can go anywhere for work.
This yr the total production of cotton in US is around 370 crores but rebate given to farmers by US Govt is 470crores.Thats the importance of farmers.
Several farmers have committed suicide still no reaction from Naidu.Even he failed to tackle Naxal problem.He wants ppl to tackle it in stead of him.
yet he has done lot for state, these will be a lesson for him to correct his mistakes.

On other hand, when FAB is coming to Hyd, is it not Telecom minister who is delaying it to take to Chennai. Similarly for Karnataka.Mangalore project is not getting clearance from petroleum ministry and finance, even after PM telling them to clear it twice. All these are basically tamil ministers who are acting against the interests of Nation. Had Cental Govt is keen for development they might have got these two projects on road by this time. Then whom to blame instead of centre?

Unfortunately in AP leaders are divided, not ppl , for separate states, and completely ignored the development of state .

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