The people always fed up with ruling parties and think another will give relief, but it cannot be, all are same but only change of label. The people have to suffer with govt. ill-logical decisions. There will be no miracles to change the economic conditions of people, it is the ground reality. See the prices of essential commodaties, rate of Bank interest, unemployment and other social problems, no major changes have made by any govt. since 60 years. It is only change of power from time to time.(ismailsk)
RE:Punjab SAD-BJP Heading towards power
by Nikhil P on Feb 27, 2007 12:39 PM Permalink
there hasn't been much change in power at the center. educate yourself before crying. only congress and leftists have ruled for 90% of the time.
RE:RE:Punjab SAD-BJP Heading towards power
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 01:34 PM Permalink
Instead of telling other to educate themselves, I request you to enrich yourself with good manners and learn the ethics of communication. That will help you in long term in your personal life. Instead of supporting some non-sense. All the best.
RE:RE:Punjab SAD-BJP Heading towards power
by rajarajan somasundaram on Feb 27, 2007 12:59 PM Permalink
r u educate? u r also in a sonia-quatrache allaince.