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How does it matter
by Bob Seth on Feb 27, 2007 05:41 PM   Permalink

How does it matter if the BJP SAD/Congress/Third front comes in power. Has anyone of them done any constructive work for the common man other then lining up thier own deep pockets. All of them are rogues of the same color. what more do you expect in the worlds largest and funniest democracy , where in a billion middle class and poverty stricken people elect a bunch of politicians who at the minimum has a individual wealth of Rs 100 crore.So all the policies of this rogue politicians will be to take care of their assets and interests.In fact all of them are hand in glove and the SAD/BJP will takes care of the Congress so no one need be worried fro them,

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Punjab: SAD-BJP takes early lead