i think mulayum singh ruining state with bonus of poor law and order at least in mayawati regime law and situation improves . alas UP hv to bear three leader mulayam mayawati and rajnath no new face . all three involve in cased based communal politics we need some educated and visionary .
RE:mulayam trust vote
by T bakshi on Feb 26, 2007 02:46 PM Permalink
and what the hell MODI doing in Gujraat..let him also throw out of state and frm India AS WELL
RE:RE:mulayam trust vote
by rajendra s tare on Feb 26, 2007 05:23 PM Permalink
Mr Bakshi, please go and see Gujrat. See the progress, see the happyness amongst all sections. Nobody should even think of throwing a person like Modi. He is an asset for our country. Try to think above narrow lane of religion, ant party polytics.
RE:mulayam trust vote
by Dinesh Jain on Feb 26, 2007 02:45 PM Permalink
Can u name a literate and clean image politician in our India but exceptions are always there.