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Hope President will do his duty
by Jesbin joseph on Feb 13, 2007 10:21 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Mercy plea for a normal man used to get rejected.Do u know the reason,because not a vote bank and might be he is not a minority.This is guy who had resulted in killing many people and it was consider as attack against the heart of world largest democracy.
"Big deal who cares abt this we are safe here"
that is the opnion of our gov

People who shout slogans in suppport of Afzal are traitors .I dont really understand why our gov is against hanging.Either it can be two reason's vote bank politics or they are really worried abt minority. I am urging all u guys no to vote for cong and left next time. Because they ruined our country.Our gov is really supporting minorities. I dont have any issues with that, but if they can really ban the present caste system in India I would admire them.Please dont divide people on the basis caste and religion.Cong and Left says BJP as communal party, beacuse they are supporting Hindu's,what abt Cong and Left they are suppoting Muslims.So the bottm line is congress is also religious party.

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  RE:Hope President will do his duty
by Ravi Sastry on Feb 14, 2007 01:05 AM   Permalink
very rare to see a christian speaking in such a good spirit(pardon me!) so far, many christians on these forums were concerned about the welfare of christainty or blaming bjp or things like that..simply they were mostly anti-hindu.
again this is my judgement, i may be wrong

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  RE:RE:Hope President will do his duty
by dilip mathew on Feb 14, 2007 09:18 AM   Permalink
Yes Mr. Sastry, Christians like Hindus and Muslims are are concerned about their welfare. There is nothing wrong in that. But I guess even Christians are Indians and we don't need to prove our identity to anybody. Afzal has been convicted by the courts and his sentence should be accepted by the President also.

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President's hands not bound