RE:Afzal's Petition
by ammy on Feb 13, 2007 07:52 PM Permalink
Giving in life sentence and seeing him behind bars is better punishment than a state commiting murder of a murderer. In which case state comes at par with the criminal. In civilise soceity, you can not punish an offender, but commiting the same offence against him. Imagine living a whole filthy toilet cubical with rodents all your life on roaches infested food...with haunting images of past...Its so depressing that the person living in such conditions often pray for death. Ive been to prisons were undertrials rot, its hell on earth. Lets wish he gets to live in such place all his life...That would be more apt than a jatka death which might make him a martyr for kashmiri jerks.
RE:RE:Afzal's Petition
by kamdev on Feb 13, 2007 08:21 PM Permalink
Before expressing such openions ammy like peoples just imagine this torrorist killed your father&mother, or son&doughter or all of them. what would you sugest??????????????????? hang him or not???? Ammy like people only thinking about the life of a criminals and Terrorists. before that all human right thinkers must think the enocent humans they killed. are they not humans?
RE:RE:Afzal's Petition
by Rajesh Pandey on Feb 13, 2007 07:58 PM Permalink
I don't know why people just go on supporting something without thinking. Ammy, in your case your arguments are just not sufficient to justify not to hang afzal. Where is your humanaterian ground when these terroists kill hundreds of innocent people. Try to feel that, and think a bit before showing your psuedo philanthropy.
RE:Afzal's Petition
by Vijay Bhatia on Feb 13, 2007 07:41 PM Permalink
wats the hurry.. there are still no hijacked planes.. no plans by afzal to enter politics.. to lets wait a while.. long live indian democracy