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Dangerous trend
by Shibaji Mukherjee on Feb 10, 2007 07:00 PM   Permalink

Mamata is doing immense harm to WB and India as a whole.
She is actively encouraging the Naxalites to grow and the trend of dugging up road, killing police,bombing are typical naxalite signature.
WB has been ruined by the naxalite in 70's, she is giving them an opportunity to grow again and repeat the same.

She is giving a communal signature to the movement by actively participating with Jamat, this is going to invite huge trouble in the long run. Remember that WB has a long volatile border with Bangladesh and there is a long history of Infiltration of terrorist through that border

One thing we need to be clear, you can never make everybody happy in a majority based system, its impossible to please everyone in Singur or Nandigram while taking land.. some will be happy, some will be not. Singur/Nandigram needs to be considered in the whole WB state perspective.
No state have built their industries,housing etc on mountain.. they have taken farm land or forest land and WB is doing nothing new.. there is no reason for people to be hyperactive when it concerns WB.

Mamata is synonymous with derailing and destroying anything constructive. In her long political career she has not done a single thing which is supportive of development.
She could have instead lead a movement for skilling, training, providing employment and business opportunity for people of Nandigram/Singur.
She is expecting that all this vandalism will translate into vote.. she doesn't even understand history

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WB: Slain cop's body found