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How the Raksha Mantri let the Army down!
by Setu Madhavan on Feb 09, 2007 09:55 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

It is indeed regrettable that the top Netas - Pradhan Mantriji and Raksha Mantriji included - have their Pugdis and Lungis tied into a collective knot over the "gross indiscipline" of the Army, relying solely on the version of the Kolkata cops.

The media, as always, have declared the Army officers GUILTY as charged. They have also pre-empted the need to have a victim, or even her statement - and have gone ahead and declared the Army jawans GUILTY anyway. So the Neta-Babu-Patrakar-Pandu Chowkidaar axis plays Prosecutor, Judge, Jury and Executioner. After everyone from the PM, the defence minister, External Affairs minister, and the PMO, rushed to personally call and assure the WB Chief Minister that the GUILTY Army officers and jawans would be given exemplary punishment, the cops' story has begun to unravel.

By the way, when was the last time anyone heard of the PM personally rushing to inquire about common men and women who are tortured, even killed, by police high handedness?

Turns out that Park Street Cops were working overtime on New Years Eve to nab random members of the public, slapping them and locking them up on trumped up charges of drunkenness, eve teasing or hooliganism and extorting money from them. One couple has also registered a complaint with the NHRC to the effect (the husband was picked up by the park Street Cops as he and his wife were crossing the road. When he asked to know his offence, he was slapped by the cop, who took him to his superior who declared, 'You are a drunkard', slapped him some more, and ordered that he be locked up.) Just so happened that the police snared the wrong fish - the Army Officers - and promptly ended up getting paid in their own coin - by being placed at the receiving end of a (well deserved) beating.

The media immediately jumped on the "casting aspersions" bandwagon and sullied the Army. As the truth slowly begins to emerge - and the usual shenanigans of Indian cops wear thin - we see that there is no woman that complained about being teased or groped.

Four bouncers of this hotel thrashed an Army Major because he demanded his meal for a valid coupon he held. They then put him in a taxi and brought him to Park Street cops. Hafta happy cops who have good 'relations' with this hotel dutifully locked up the officer - inspite of him informing them of his identity. 'No one tells us what we are supposed to do here', so saying the cops beat up the Major before locking him. This is a clear violation of the law - but pandu chowkidars obviously have no clue about the Army Act passed by the Parliament. Soon a captain reaches the police station to reason with the Pandus to free his superior officer. 'Dont tell us what we are supposed to do here' so saying they lock up the Captain as well and for good measure book him for guess what? 'Crossing the road at the wrong place'! Wow, that is so cute. Isnt it?

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  RE:How the Raksha Mantri let the Army down!
by on Feb 09, 2007 10:04 PM   Permalink
It is too big. Here most of us are talking

about Pakistan's past behavior & the problems

we will face or faced in the past & future.

Are you planning to divert with a name like


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  RE:RE:How the Raksha Mantri let the Army down!
by Setu Madhavan on Feb 09, 2007 10:36 PM   Permalink
Yes, here you and other 'patriotic and intelligent' Indians can keep TALKING about 'Pakistan's past behavior'. When Netas and Babus clear out Siachen for Pakis to repeat Kargil, Jawans (who are not TALKING now) will be sacrificing their lives by the hundreds if not thousands to regain it - While patriotic TALKERS will tune on to thier TV sets cheering. When Kargill 2 is over, the TALKERs will be back in action - Netas, babus, patrakar and aam junta - all talking about giving petrol stations and compensation to the widows of Kargil2. Eight years later, these same widows will go with begging bowls in hand pleading for the gas stations. And you know what, neither the Netas, babus will TALK to them, or the aam junta (you included) or patrakar will talk about them. Since you are so patriotic, please write a mail expressing your sorrow / outrage about any single Kargil Widow that is lurching around like a beggar in India! Do you ever hear any political party or news media speak for the forgotten widows of Kargil. Or the still missing Prisoner of War from 1971 war that are in Pakistani prisons (Will we freed 93000 of pakistani prisoners of war!)!!! All coward talkers can do is talk - Pakistanis know that.

The earlier 'big' article, mentions Army chief's opposition to Netas' insistence on unilaterally withdrawing for Siachen. It also focusses on the general apathy towards the jawans in this country.

Why does this coward nation always unilaterally give things away getting nothing in return? Interanational diplomacy is not a brothel - Diplomacy is 'give and take', not 'give and give'. 'I give you take' is Indian diplomacy.

Are we even demanding something in return from Pakistan as a Quid Pro Quo - to show they are serious? How about 'Returning our 1971 soldiers still in Pakistan prisons', or 'Handing over Dawood Ibrahim', or 'Demolishing terrorist camps in POK' - which in Musharraf's words are 'strategic assets' of Pakistan. Or how about plain and simple asking him to 'remove troops from POK' in lieu of us 'pulling troops from Siachen'.

Netas and babus just cannot wait for this 'diplomatic victory' on Siachen. They just cannot wait to be hailed as modern day saints by the world media! Be praised by the US administration for 'showing restraint and leadership'.

The only reason netas are willing to go and gamble the nations interst is because they have an insurance policy to save them when Musharraf comes calling with Kargil2. Sacrifice the jawans.

Yes, the same very jawans, an entire nation and its netas, babus, and media think nothing about besmirching otherwise.

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  RE:RE:RE:How the Raksha Mantri let the Army down!
by on Feb 09, 2007 10:46 PM   Permalink
Yes, we will face these kind of problems again.

So, we should not allow our troops withdrawal.

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Pak says it won't occupy Siachen