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by manish bagdi on Feb 05, 2007 03:53 PM   Permalink

India is still looking for weapons for next 25-30 years from other countries. O.K. If you are super power than show where is your own combat vehicals for army, warplanes for Air Foce and Destroyers for NAVY, India has failled to produce all these war machines on its own and we must accept this fact and there should not be any kind of hesitation in accepting these facts, and if you have devloped something it only by help of some of the Developed nations and copying their technology.
If you have developed anything on your own where it is and who has accepted that in international market.

Our R&D is very weak and there is lot of redtrappism in INDIAN system.

Now those countries who have better economy and own developed easily avialable technology to thier countrymen are the real ones, not like us for each and every technology we are looking towards othercountris.

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Air chief calls for synergy