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for rediff
by on Feb 03, 2007 01:56 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Indians are negative and they will always keep whining and thinking negative about their society and nation.

Nothing will change in this way.

Problem is with Rediff management who is giving highlight to a "negative" remark from ex-L.general from Army instead of quoting something "positive" things he said about India in above article.

Rediff has disappointed me with such negative angle given to a great interview.

Dear rediff,
why you are putting "negative" headlines always in your articles? Is someone paying you to spread depressive stuff among young generation?

You know guys(rediff), this is the reason our scientists and young minds perform better in West. They are given good environment, POSITIVE thinking and views in media. But our great Indian media who always takes pride in spreading negative news in public, it affects our young minds and it diverts their minds from creative or innovative work.

No wonder that our young people do better in West but fail in India. Because rediff and some foreign funders of it has some vested interests to keep indian public negative and depressed about their nation.

Pity you guys(rediff).

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  RE:for rediff
by navin aysola on Feb 03, 2007 03:29 PM   Permalink
I love you and your thoughts. Go to a railway station or a bus station and see scores of children working there. Stop at a traffic signal and see the old beggars. They are depressed.
If you think you are depressed then you want self sympathy. There is no room for people like you.
If you really wish to let out your identity, let me know.

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  RE:RE:for rediff
by Thambidurai Karthik on Feb 04, 2007 07:27 PM   Permalink

What is your point?

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