Rediff has done something useful in getting a sensible person review our so called historic armed exploits. Well said Gen Thappan. Half of the foolishness that we do in geopolitics are strictly due to the lack of maturity in dealing with diplomatic issues and providing them with the importance they deserve. I guess it's time for all of us to get bored of all this hocus- pocus of india going global and tatas and ambanis doing what not, and rather settle down at our own homes and start looking around to find ways to help this society.
RE:well said
by IndiaCarerFromAbroad on Feb 06, 2007 01:05 AM Permalink
Hi, Japan started with some small electronic items most of them made with mica or cardboard type of materials during 1960 or 1970. China started with some cheap plastic toys during 1979 after Nixon's visit. So, what do you tell now? Is that ok? or leave and sit in home instead of giving a try?
RE:RE:well said
by Alok Dube on Feb 07, 2007 11:53 AM Permalink
excatly! it is sooo funny! "only 30%" of the biggest defence deal contracts are spent back in india!! 30% of 300 million is peanuts! that explains why our PSU salaries are lower!
RE:RE:RE:RE:well said
by Alok Dube on Feb 08, 2007 12:28 PM Permalink
The question is not production, the question is how much of "our own money" is spread back among us. That is what is important. Indians dont spend money easily, but whatever is spent should make jobs back in India, that would be a good model.