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Moral Value
by S P on Feb 03, 2007 02:08 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

What we like>>>>>
* earning money in short time through short cuts.
* Getting job through reserved quota
* Getting addmision through donation, leaving merit list aside
* Getting promotion by short cuts
* Even getting reserved tickets in bus / train /cinema / drama show without staying in a line.
* Enjoying office time for self work not doing the office work.
* Eager to get money from the customers /suppliers
* Getting paid holidays more & more
* Like to go out from work place for self work in office time.
* Like to come late.
* Like to produce fake bills to get money from emloyers
* Like to get priority of self putting behind the deserving person for rise in salary.
* Eager to get priority at doctor/hospital irrespective of emergency.
* Winning awards by creating obligation or donating anything

Above all are our liking although we are expecting from others to do good for ourself...

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  RE:Moral Value
by on Feb 03, 2007 02:12 PM   Permalink

Above 14 remarks should be printed and xeroxed and sticked in every factory and office across India.

Indians will change within 5 years. so will India as a result of that. It never happens in reverse manner.

nice suggestion SP. :-)

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  RE:Moral Value
by navin aysola on Feb 03, 2007 03:23 PM   Permalink
Well said

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  RE:Moral Value
by Thambidurai Karthik on Feb 04, 2007 07:11 PM   Permalink
Why do you blame Indians when the above mentioned points apply to people around the world? Are you doing this because Indians will tolerate everything? Pls look at it differntly ... Indians who live in a differnt country adapt to the rules in that country. If India came with such system, the citizens are going to abide by it. Blame the system not the people. All the above mentioned points are survival instincts, when living conditions become tough, people take short cuts, forget rules, forget ethics etc. Circumstances and conditions will change people, human nature is to survive given any condition. (Your gene is making that decision everyday .. else humans wont survive).

The rules governing the society should be dynamic, we can't live by laws written 50 yrs back or even ideology 50 yrs back. We need to adopt to the ever changing world or we will be left alone and our society will die (literally). The word morality also has a time stamp, what applies today is not applicable 20 yrs from now.

I do respect our elders and people who have given their life to shape our society but in a dynamic society we have to make changes to adopt. Our human body is making such changes everyday and the next generation are completly differnt physically to adopt to the environment, so change is inevitable and we have to change our thoughts and the way we think based on time and environment. What applies 50 yrs back won't apply now, thats the rule of nature.

Don't blame Indians ... we have one of the strongest survival instincts. We have overcome many conditions (wars, climatic changes, opperssions, diseases, etc) and lived long enough.

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  RE:RE:Moral Value
by on Feb 06, 2007 01:40 AM   Permalink
Dear Friend,
System and people are not independent entities. People make the system. It is true that Indians are able to adapt in foreign countries but they fail to do so in their own homeland. I agree with the former general that Indians as a whole value morality less that we used to many years ago. One central problem is corruption in grass root level. and don't expect some magic hands to eradicate corruption. We, the common citizens of India should vouch against bribery.

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