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Army and Militancy !!!
by Mahesh Nayathil on Feb 03, 2007 06:35 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The army protects each country from invasions from Neighbours !! But if there is no army in a country then there are chances of attck from the neighbour !! But in Europe the defence expenditure is very less because the countires have made one economic group and one currency !! Similarly SAARC or association fo south asian countries can make rupee their common currency and make brother hood and allow free trade from one country to another ..
What is the army doing in Siachen Glacier in Coldest of all times becuse it is s atrtegic point.. I heard the expenditure is 2 to 3 crore per day.. Waht is the fun in sending an army to antartica or artica
But if there is surveillance then army staff can be cut and defence budget shrinked and they can be transferred to civilain works.. for examp[le what is army doing in Bnagalore where threat is less.. how many armed forces are there all over India .. The real work is done by surviellanmce wing and Border security force that is army at Borders.. Ithink such a huge armed force is due to the night mares of a world war repeating
Mahesh Nayathil

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  RE:Army and Militancy !!!
by puneet alag on Feb 04, 2007 03:31 PM   Permalink
it is beacuse of people like you that india lost so much land in kashmir in 1962. india's expenditure on armed forces is less than 3 percent of gdp.its still less than what is required.

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  RE:Army and Militancy !!!
by IndiaCarerFromAbroad on Feb 04, 2007 02:53 AM   Permalink
Very Good, if that works, we can divert those
money into national & world development & to
raise the poor from poverty etc. Sounds good to
hear. But we have tried in the past around 1962 & we learned, so, we decided to develop
our Army strong w/ nuke capability. Man is like
a monkey, believing a man don't resign your work & stay in home. Now this time we join last
after all countries reduce theirs!!!

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71 War: We should've stayed out