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why it is not other way round?
by AnUnknownIndian on Dec 29, 2007 09:56 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

In a discussion after Mrs Bhottos death about Pak in TIMES NOW TV a senior journo Kuldeep Nayyar said We look forward to Stable Pak as that will keep India stable. I would like to know why it is not other way round? Why cant a stable India make Pak a stable country? India after all is very soft country and to make it stable is not tough, if only our Sick(u)lar Congress and commies stop talking about communalism whenever a majority speaks, if only our PM stops saying that Muslims have the first right in our national resources. Stop muslim appeasement and India will be stable.

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  RE:why it is not other way round?
by ALOK CHAUHAN on Dec 29, 2007 10:29 AM   Permalink
When will I see the Indian (pseudo) National wiped off from the history of India .........forever to never to return back........

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Pak terror likely to spill over to India