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Pakistan current state
by An Indian on Dec 29, 2007 08:26 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

The onus for Pakistan current state rests with both China and USA. Most of the news reports talk about only USA, but very few talk about China. But any military decision China is consulted. You never know if China is conniving with Mush to kill Bhutto such that USA is troubled .

There is only talk about effect on India, why there is no talk on China. Its the toughness with which China deals with these kind of issues. China has stamped out Uyghur rebels in Xinjiang province very violently. Some of the Uyghurs has dealings with al-quaida China is cognizant of this fact and deal with them very violently. Similarly in stamping out terrorism in our country the government should be ruthless. They have to weed out extremist elements like SIMI from universities, Naxals etc. with out any qualms. May be they need to bring back TADA once again. Sometime I think democracy is a curse for our country. If our country is also a communist country like China we would not have the extremist issues like the way we have right now. We needs leaders like Indira Gandhi who has taken such a bold decision to send troupes in the Golden Temple. I am not sure whether any other current crop of leaders has her stature.

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  RE:Pakistan current state
by sam on Dec 29, 2007 08:37 AM   Permalink
What ever you say, we need to totaly wipe out the congress and other Psuedo Secular parties then only we can think of terror free India. Dont praise Indira Gandhi, Golden Temple issue of her creation. Bhindranwale was Indiras creation just like Osama was CIA's creation. Bhindranwale was not the only creation of Congress, LTTE was another big disaster planned by Congress. Still no one ever questions this Gandhi Parivar, which is just using Gandhi title for Political mileage. How come Rajiv and Sanjay become Gandhi when there father's were two muslim men. This congress is the root of the problem, you eliminate congress and you get a terror free country.

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  RE:Pakistan current state
by mentor on Dec 29, 2007 10:32 AM   Permalink
STUPIDS- Feroz gandhi- was not a muslim- he was a PARSI-like TATAs

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  RE:Pakistan current state
by Ekalavya Krishnan on Dec 29, 2007 04:34 PM   Permalink
If Feroze Gandhi was a Parsi can you tell how is father's name was Nawab Khan? The chap who supplied liquor to Ananada Bhavan

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  RE:Pakistan current state
by siddharth on Dec 29, 2007 10:12 AM   Permalink
It is about time we put an end to thid gandhi-nehru menace that is stopping the country from progressing.It was stupidity of Nehru that cost us half of kashmir and Tibet.It was the stupidity of Rajiv Gandhi that cost our troops dearly in sri-lanka.Who knows how dearly Sonia Gandhi-Manmohan Singh junta is going to cost the country.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Pak terror likely to spill over to India