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Effect on India
by shiva on Dec 29, 2007 06:49 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Pakistan is a failed state. Obsession with religion is the root cause. They believe God will just appear to save them! It was created for muslims in the subcontinent but even one religion cannot bring peace.

Our politicians are playing with religious card to serve their selfish ends. The only saving grace has been the general public sees through the games. But the danger is always there for us to crack.

Seeing the utter futility of organised religion, which has only divided people, it will be in our interests to downplay all emotions. Many countries have paid a bitter price to learn the lessons of fanaticism. China has found that hard work is the only way to get ahead. Nation's interest is supreme and nobody is allowed to play one group against another. They have revised the political setup in such a way that leadership renewal is an ongoing process and they are elected years ahead and groomed. Any threat to peace is ruthlessly put down. Others have also learned the lessons from chaos like Indonesia, Vietnam. Cambodia lost 25% of their population due to Maoist govt and people still shudder at the great loss.

We have to have basic decency in politics and it should not be a free for all. We should learn the right lessons from the chaos of our neighbour and any feelings of supriority or complacence can be calamitous.

Terrorists strike when we least expect like US realised few years back. Ultimately only we can be responsible for our destiny.

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  RE:Effect on India
by Lets talk sense on Dec 29, 2007 07:49 AM   Permalink
Very well add, I would say India should also review its election process. Only educated and person without criminal background should be allowed to contest. Also people of India should realize and show doors to politicians who use religious sentiments to gain political milage...

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Pak terror likely to spill over to India