As usaual US president's office has shed crocodile tears. People should understand that as long as US President's office do not give up the EISEN HOVER'S DIRTY POLICY OF BALANCE OF POWER and the EUROPEAN ASSOICIATED CAUCUS stop support such policies there can be no real peace in the world.In practice all such policies of US Presidential office and their European sychophant charecters have torn world in to pieces rather than providing wold peace. The present day terrorism is the result of such policies which has given birth to Religious Fundamentalisms and mutual hatred,racinsm and inter race terrorism. If balace of power theory is given up and arms race is stopped, if the World leaders support the Have nots and their governments with the heart to spread humanism rather than harping for the goal of attainiong relative superiority then the idiotic priciples of Military dictatorship will never occur.It is US president's Office selfish goals that has been killing many democracies and have forced many countries in to poverty or marginal growth.It is such priciples that has killed Benazir now. She may be an anti Indian but Indians can never support or recognize inhuman practices in any corner of the globe. It is high time that the entire world rise against such policies. But one should understand that it is not the people of US or the people of such European congregation who support such policies but it is the men in power who are responsible.Throughout the world people should d