Congress reaction lines are always ready IF CONGRESS FARES WELL ITS SONIA VICTORY, IF CONGRESS FARES BADLY THEN IT THE LOCAL CONGRESS LEADERS ARE RESPONSIBLE! Congress unleashed brazen Sonia in to Gujarat polls. After her miserable failure, Sibals & Singhvis are now in Save Sonia mission. They will now say that Sonia is national leader and a state election results are not testimony to her popularity. It is like saying you made me bite the dust, but Im. still the winner! Sonia bought and used the media to fight Modi. NOw she is hiding from the same media.
It is sure that Gujarat Elections have reduced Sonia to be a losing regional satrap and Narendra Modi to be a triumphant national leader, who will be out future prime minister.
by Raju Puducode on Dec 24, 2007 10:52 AM Permalink
Chief Election Commissioner N Goapalswami should become the peon to Mr. Seshan or VRKrishna Iyer who had the independence & guts to take on the mighty & powerful. This man is spineless slave like Manmohan always with a servile attitude to white skin just like Commies licking Chinese shoes. Such clowns as public servants!
by Orion Arhan on Dec 24, 2007 10:55 AM Permalink
Mr. JM Lingdo is also very good EC. These new guys are shame and shit.
by Raju Puducode on Dec 24, 2007 11:01 AM Permalink
The charismatic leader of Gujarat, the great communicator Modi, won with his sheer integrity in governance and should become a role model for all BJP leaders for credible dialogue with the people as they march into the next Lok Sabha as warriors of victorious hindutva. This is a victory of the people against pro-terrorist policies of Italian mafia Sonia led UPA government. This is a victory of the people against the communalism of alien mafiosi & her son, the ideology of chamchagiri led by spineless PM and commie supporters. It is good to note that the Congress is deeply disappointed with the results and continues to hate Modi; the lesson to be learnt is that Congress should shun aliens, become swadeshi, be proud of the hindu heritage. Else, Congress will disappear without a trace from this nation and end up as a footnote to the history of Mafia.