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>> Xian John Thomas
by Fantastic on Dec 24, 2007 11:54 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

The reason is that Christian propagandist, liars and others have done a lot of good job against Hinduism.

These Christian missionaries were completely shameless liars and their propaganda against Hinduism is best to understand how frightened Christianity was of Hinduism (I can give you some site links to know how frightened they are of Hinduism even now, despite the fact that Hinduism doesn%u2019t convert people). Sanskrit is not Arabic, it is not even English; it is a much more syntactically perfect language compared to all others. I can read and understand Sanskrit and can write a little bit (but writing will be difficult), its sentences are written using best possible grammar and its words have one of the most refined generative etymology.
Still Christian missionaries deliberately translated a lot of Puranas and some part of Vedas like total fools (it is not possible to give them the luxury of unintentional mistakes, their preface and the tone of translations will further confirm it).

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  RE:>> Xian John Thomas
by Orion Arhan on Dec 24, 2007 12:03 PM   Permalink
from where the hell this christian missionaries came to this topic?

You are right, but the discussion is not correct here. Your feelings are appreciated.

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  RE:>> Xian John Thomas
by Fantastic on Dec 24, 2007 12:12 PM   Permalink
My dear Orion Arhan.
It was response to earlier post by Thomas.But this message was reported as abuse.
Tell where i have used any abused word.

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  RE:>> Xian John Thomas
by on Dec 24, 2007 12:12 PM   Permalink
its not them, its us who do not properly propogate our own religion.
do not ever bring any religion into such dirty politics, they have nothing to do with but you brain washed!

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  RE:RE:>> Xian John Thomas
by Fantastic on Dec 24, 2007 12:15 PM   Permalink
I appreciate your views.
I am not propogating our religion to everyone.
If you scan earlier message at different boards, u fill find what these people are talking about.
I have posted this message in response to that only.

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  RE:>> Xian John Thomas
by on Dec 24, 2007 12:20 PM   Permalink
just forget them and forgive them.
they actually need proper education, else they are as good as animals
they (my bros) forgot lord rama, lord krishna, lord shiva...... they are only behind like lord modi / lord saddam

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Modi accuses EC of double standards