RE:Other view point
by Kapil Dev on Dec 24, 2007 12:30 PM Permalink
and I wish to remind u that people of india has choosen to remain in "fools paradise" for over 50 years now. And who know they will again decide to do the same in 2009
RE:Other view point
by Kapil Dev on Dec 24, 2007 12:20 PM Permalink
I never said 2 crore voted for cogress. had that been the case it would hv won the election. But it is vote against Modi or BJP as u say
RE:Other view point
by Cutlet Gravy on Dec 24, 2007 12:59 PM Permalink
To me it seems that Rediff deleted your message because they wanted to avoid embarrasing you, big man that you are.
But if you insist on taking my place and playing the joker in the pack ... so be it.
RE:Other view point
by Kapil Dev on Dec 24, 2007 01:08 PM Permalink
Why should I be embrassed. I also talk of gujratis. and I donot think only Modi ji has the licence to talk about them. People who dont endorse moditav brand of politics are alos gujratis and they form substantial portion of population.
RE:Other view point
by Philo on Dec 26, 2007 12:50 PM Permalink
Kapil Pa ji:
In year 2000, 103 million voted in US Presidential elections. BUsgh won by electoral votes, even though Al Gore "GOT" more votes tan Bush. But we respect the constitution on Electoral votes. The one state that won it for Bush, Florida, gave 538 votes to Bush than Gore. 538!!!!! out of 103 MILLION. And you think Bush gave a cohote creek to almost 51% who voted against him? He did what he wanted and thats because he WON. End of story. Have a good night. Modi is in your dreams. I understand. Ask Mama to sleep next to you.
RE:Other view point
by Orion Arhan on Dec 24, 2007 11:49 AM Permalink
The same happened in two with bjp in paraliamentary elections as well as in karnataka What happened then this rule?
RE:RE:Other view point
by Kapil Dev on Dec 24, 2007 11:53 AM Permalink
That's what preciesly my point is. Cogress has won election with 45% and even lesser votes. But in democracy u need to respect other view point also. It is not about abusing others
RE:Other view point
by Vijay urf Teesmaar Khan on Dec 24, 2007 01:04 PM Permalink
not 45%. Congress is mostly winning elections by just 33 to 35% votes. This is our election system. Suggest a better way.
RE:Other view point
by Upadrasta PardhaSaradhi on Dec 24, 2007 12:45 PM Permalink
fortunately or unfortunatel, in INdian democracy, the percentage of votes dont matter, but wt matteers is who stood first. This is the reason why we have seen parties who got 28% of the whole votes ruled the states.
RE:Other view point
by Gautam Mudbhatkal on Dec 24, 2007 11:52 AM Permalink
This rule applies to the nation as a whole too. Dont think Congress garnered the majority votes as a percentage of total votes, yet they rule us swith 'MONEY' as their only ideology.
RE:Other view point
by candidreview on Dec 24, 2007 11:56 AM Permalink
Why don't you apply same 'twisted' logic to UPA government?. There are more UPA Government haters than Mullahs like you who support them. Shouldn't UPA govt consider and respect others view point
RE:RE:Other view point
by Ravindra Nath on Dec 24, 2007 12:02 PM Permalink
In process you are commenting against entire gujrati community, that shows how much respectful towards others view point.
RE:Other view point
by Kapil Dev on Dec 24, 2007 12:05 PM Permalink
I hv not made comment on Gujratis. I hv stated few facts in my comment that too belong to gujaratis but are on the other side of devide
RE:Other view point
by Orion Arhan on Dec 24, 2007 12:05 PM Permalink
OK. Resign from rediff and goto china/italy and leave happily. Good bye. I dont want to see u again.
RE:Other view point
by Kapil Dev on Dec 24, 2007 12:10 PM Permalink
That the whole problem U do not tolerate the opposite view. Do not u thik it is against Domocracy Your comments are more out of frustration