I am a Die hard Fan of Modi. but I also felt that Modi's remark was slightly more than acceptable. I was fearing a harsh action by EC, but "commission asked Modi to be more cautious in the future " is nothing which should be considered favorism. Remember EC of India is one of the best in the world and belongs to few institutions which works without any influence from govt in centre. Modi, you have numerous enemies. Don't let ur enemies to unite. EC is a prestigious and reputed body which is doing its job very well. Don't belong to their black book. Remember you have to go long way and is very necessary to not make new enemies (if not friends ) specially when it is respected in mass.
RE:Chill Modi
by Raghav Rao on Dec 24, 2007 11:08 AM Permalink
The best Congress Election Commission (CEC) can do is to casually send notices to Maam only after Modi highlights. So they are blind and deaf till others tell what is going on !! Great institution greater people manning !!