RE:Best sellers from Congress
by rajesh on Dec 24, 2007 11:36 AM Permalink
U can add few more. 1) The Lost party - By Vaghela 2) Rahul Gandhi and Gujatrat Elections - Abhishek singhivi
RE:RE:Best sellers from Congress
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 24, 2007 12:16 PM Permalink
Now the Left must get strength in the entire India, so Sangh Parivar loses the strength to do....
They lose the strength to do violence to change the direction from poor people's basic rites. They lose the strength to attack on artists They lose the strength to attack medias They lose the strength to attack Communists They lose the strength to Muslims They lose the strength to Christians They lose the strength to Dalits They lose the strength to escape from corruption charges