BJP has to increase its national vote share from 22% nationally to about 36% in order to have enough seats to form its own government. This is impossible considering that even the temple could not deliver more that 26% nationally at the peak.
RE:Long way to go bfore Modi comes
by gunesh marathe on Dec 24, 2007 10:25 AM Permalink
wait, till 2009 ,,dream will come true, secular party ki bajegi.
RE:Long way to go bfore Modi comes
by Manish Garg on Dec 24, 2007 10:40 AM Permalink
At 26% Muslims could ask and get India partioned. In electoral process even Nehru never got more than 50%. What is important is that Hindus should shun caste and get together to check their existence when Islamists from all sides and within are threatening.
RE:RE:Long way to go bfore Modi comes
by Ashish Kumar on Dec 24, 2007 10:46 AM Permalink
Even the 26% muslims had not asked for partition. Most of them were not even permitted to vote. The electoral college was made in such a way that only 18% of the 26% muslims had a chance to express their opinion. These were people who had a vested interest in creation of Pakistan and are now ruling Pakistan.
RE:Long way to go bfore Modi comes
by Ashish Kumar on Dec 24, 2007 10:44 AM Permalink
Nothing is required to be done by BJP. They have shown the Indian people a model. It is for Indians to unite by rising above the divisive politics of caste, region and foreign sponsored doctrines (Marxism). Indians have to see through the game plan of career politicians who manipulate the emotions of people and exploit them. There are inequrtes in our society. These inequities have to be addressed. Indians have to be wary of leaders who want to perpetuate them to keep their issues alive. Like the people of Gujrat, Indians all over the country should see through the game plan of the manipulative politicians and reject them in the next elections. Please do not take offence if you disagree with me on ideology but I find BJP is the only political party which talks about India as nation and India's interests.