Modi....Rahul....Advani....Mulayam....Mayawati....Sonia.....Atal.....and the Whole series.....Just want to cook their bread of Politics on our bodies....Bodies of all Indians.....what a shame......All the efforts of Mahatma Gandhi and all the freedom fighters are going waste......our country is going to the Dogs....what a shame!!!!!!!!!!
RE:Our country is goind to the dogs
by Raj Bhardwaj on Dec 23, 2007 06:18 PM Permalink
You should emigrate to Pakistan. Or to Saudi Arabia. You won't find people like Modi, Advani, Atal. Not so sure about Rahul, Mulayam, Mayawati, Sonia.
RE:RE:Our country is goind to the dogs
by Love on Dec 23, 2007 06:38 PM Permalink
My dear fellow Indian, Dont be ignorent.....All of them will not hesitate to cross the border on our bodies....My dear fellow Indian....Stop your hatred for fellow Indians...
RE:Our country is goind to the dogs
by SANJAY RAO on Dec 23, 2007 07:03 PM Permalink
who told you that we do not love our fellow indians. we LOVE THEM and also love our MOTHER LAND but our socalled fellow indians DO THEY LOVE US OR OUR MOTHERLAND???