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Musharraf shall also be amending kuran
by True Indian on Dec 15, 2007 10:26 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Kuran, which muslims all over the world follows without any tolerance was written by arrogant ancient leaders. Traditional society had lot space for restrictions, hatred, war and inhumanity. Thats what we got in kuran. Veils for ladies, more power to men, kill who doesnt follow your allah etc etc.
Muslims should approach modernization and amend kuran and remove the hatred, and dirt it contains.
Finally, my post shall get removed as some intolerant moslem will report abuse. Moreover its not much related to this article. But I wish that it gets read by atleast few of my muslim friends and think about it.

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  RE:Musharraf shall also be amending kuran
by JonBonJovi on Dec 16, 2007 11:14 AM   Permalink
there were bigger stalwarts that came they werent able to amend Quran whats mush lol! its not gita bible or torah that ul change for ur political motives! its a book og God unchanged since centuries!

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  RE:Musharraf shall also be amending kuran
by zahir chhapra on Dec 15, 2007 11:11 AM   Permalink
Dear frnd. i feel sorry for u as u have written the above article without any Knowledge Of The HOLY is in fact ur own opinion after hearing wht others have to say about Muslims And Islam. i do agree that a lot of violence take place world over on the name of Islam & Jehad ,but majority of them are nothing but farce.Coz these things are done by few people who have nothing except personal interest in such activities.for your information, Islam doesnt permit Violence on the name OF ALLAH,neither it gives more power to menover women. I appeal u to plz read the correct translation of the QURAN once to clear your misconception about it and muslims.
Also u said that it was written by arrogant ancient leaders. its nothing as such. each and every word of this Great Book is true even in the contemporary world.Never say anything unless u r 100 % sure about ur understanding of the subject. May Allah Bless U.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Musharraf amends Pakistan's constitution