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How many Muslims were killed In Nandigram by Communists ?
by Sincere Citizen on Dec 13, 2007 01:42 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Does anyone has figures and yes these were poor people and Muslims too so is it secular to kill people if Communists do it ?

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  RE:How many Muslims were killed In Nandigram by Communists ?
by Pop Head on Dec 14, 2007 09:09 PM   Permalink
'These Modi chamchas are incapable of civilized debate. So they throw abuses. That's right. Show why voting Modi is voting for fascism! These people are paranoid and show evidence of suffering from persecution complex. Maybe they were abused as children and attendeding RSS camps have permanently deranged their minds. They want to instil in the majority (Hindus - more than 80%) to behave with a minority complex (Muslims - 16%). A laughing stock to the world.Ignore their abuses. That really rattles them. More abuses is an indcation that more they are getting rattled. I am Pophead. All abuses are welcome. My head is broken with half my brains jutting out.

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