Uma Bharathi can win more votes than Advani. I would rate the BJP power house as, 1. Modi 2. Rajnath Singh 3. Uma Bharathi (may not be with BJP, but will soon join) 4. Advani.
RE:Thats a bad move.
by Mohammed on Dec 10, 2007 09:19 PM Permalink
well the overall Equation is like, State Governments would be ruled by BJPs and Central will be ruled by Congress....
Suggestion to BJP: Guys do not neglect Muslims, in another 20 years, we will be at least 40% of the Indian Population.... and looking at India's cast divide we will be the Majority... So take gaurd.
we have no issues with you people until all of accept India is our Mother country and work for her pride.. Some of your misguided youths are killing your own countrymen on religious countries.Stop supporting Pak militants in Kasmir. Then abondon Muslim league and other religious parties and vote for the National Parties.Also understand who is exploiting your community as votebank and ignore that psedo secular Parties. Then We will be welcome you on both hands as brothers and sisters.
RE:Thats a bad move.
by HP on Dec 10, 2007 09:43 PM Permalink
I think Mr Murli as a citizen of a country all have equal rights just like you, dont deny any one citizenship only becoz that person does not belong to your religion....u are taking about terrorism, do u know how manu muslim lost their lives including innocent women and children in Gujrat riots and Nandigram
RE:Thats a bad move.
by nandu rajurikar on Dec 10, 2007 09:22 PM Permalink
He couldn't carry his brother with him, how would he carry the party with him?