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Response to OM on Hinduism being an INDIAN religion.
by imran patel on Dec 11, 2007 12:46 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Hinduism is NOT an Indian religion. Just as Islam is NOT an ARAB religion. These are universal faith that people can follow irrespective of where they live or where they were born or in which family they were born.

No one should change/alter their religion based on location/nationality.

So why should an Indian not be a Muslim or follow any other belief other than Hinduism. Indians can be Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jews, Atheist, etc.

I never said that ADVANI should not be the PM because he was born in what is today's PAKISTAN. Then our current PM is in the same boat.

Any person who is a citizen of India can run for public office. Read the constitution

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  RE:Response to OM on Hinduism being an INDIAN religion.
by balaji ram on Dec 11, 2007 12:50 AM   Permalink
Well Said Imran..
As I said India is the Land of Gods..
All the Gods want all the religions to be practised in India..
Only here Hinduism, Christianity, Muslim, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikh gurus have lived and living.

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  RE:Response to OM on Hinduism being an INDIAN religion.
by Sami on Dec 11, 2007 02:02 PM   Permalink

your advice may be correct.
But you should say them after reverting back what they should do.
Whom should they pray?
to the one whom the court is searching?
to the one who grabs the dress of the bating girls and enjoy the beauti of their bare body hiding from the tree branches?
to the one who steals butter from poor farmers houses?
to the one who can not save his bhakt?
to the one who ran to save his life from asura?

And also you should say which scripture they should follw.
Vedhic principle which has been forgotton by all?
or the present culture.

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BJP to project Advani as prime minister