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Stop Anti National Movements.
by vijay mishra on Dec 10, 2007 09:17 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

In last 60 years we have seen developments in Islamic Pakistan, Bangladesh and Muslim majority state Kashmir, Non Muslims were converted or removed and still continue.
Pseudo Secularists, Islamic Jihadi, Communists, Mioest, Naxal are attacking India day by day.

Central Government and Pseudo Secularists can not fight with hardcore militants.
They support Terrorists to get votes.
We need all Nationalist joined forces who can defeat terrorists. Very soon Kashmir will be repeated in all over India one by one state.
Cristian's Missionaries have big plan with many organizations, money and zeal to convert India.
Congress in nothing but a group of slaves of Sonia for some self interests.

Our national interest is top priority.

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  RE:Stop Anti National Movements.
by Golden on Dec 10, 2007 09:32 PM   Permalink
forceful conversion is not only impossible rather it is not convincing, yes there has been some forceful conversion by BJP and RSS members to hinduism after some of the tribals have converted to christianity.
no body can change the mental thinking for long or at least for ever. this idea itself is a sickmentality that someone can convert to someone else by force.
this is either/ honest of corrupt thinking which makes people change their faith. some may think in distorted way and accept someother faith but still forceful conversion is just a myth created by RSS and BJP thinktank.
i call upon all the good people with open mind and honest heart to think honestly on all the religions and accept what they think is the best and truth only.

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  RE:Stop Anti National Movements.
by Indian on Dec 10, 2007 09:21 PM   Permalink
My frient. Why do you think they are converting to Muslims? Do you think in this age, you can forcefully convert someone to another religion? If the conversions are forceful, how do justify in Euoropean countries people are converting to Muslims?

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  RE:Stop Anti National Movements.
by Golden on Dec 10, 2007 09:28 PM   Permalink
My frient. Why do you think they are converting to Muslims? Do you think in this age, you can forcefully convert someone to another religion? If the conversions are forceful, how do justify in Euoropean countries people are converting to Muslims?

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  RE:Stop Anti National Movements.
by K r on Dec 10, 2007 09:29 PM   Permalink
Only a fool would convert to your sane person will..

No wonder, terrorists after kidnapping Innocents forcibly convert them to Muslims...simply hopeless tradition from ur founders' days!

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  RE:RE:Stop Anti National Movements.
by Golden on Dec 10, 2007 09:39 PM   Permalink
chuchhcuuu ... such a hatred feeling towards islam?? but still cant help as islam keep attracting people and more you try hard more people accept islam and follow its founder....
please dont get heart attck brother but it is fact, islam is the fastest growing religion and it cant happen by breading. just after 911 there were massive conversion in USA itself, needless to say towards islam.
more you try to kill the truth stronger it becomes and stands against you.
any way, do you have any idea why Aacharya Santhosh from highest post of Math becomes Ahmad Pandit by accepting this hopeless tradion...???
i feel pity of your frustration but truth cant be stopped by your simple lies and propagandas.
islam is the only hope for the world.

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  RE:RE:Stop Anti National Movements.
by Golden on Dec 10, 2007 09:42 PM   Permalink
just produce your data if you have. who has been ever converted by force. dont say a lot of people and this village. give any name. any one has ever come in public and claimed they have been forcefully converted? or is there any body in your own house also embraced islam and you are very angry with this incident.

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  RE:Stop Anti National Movements.
by HP on Dec 10, 2007 09:33 PM   Permalink
There is so much of caste problem in Hindusim itself , upper caste people burn Dalits alive in UP, Bihar and Orissa

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:Stop Anti National Movements.
by HP on Dec 10, 2007 09:26 PM   Permalink
in you dreams u ba*td

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