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  RE:Advani the PM
by poda mayira on Dec 10, 2007 08:53 PM   Permalink
MR, why do you want convert others, It's depends the individuals. Why can't u understand these politician's (any party). They are making use of people like you. Idiot

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  RE:Advani the PM
by Indian on Dec 10, 2007 08:55 PM   Permalink
poda mayira

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  RE:RE:Advani the PM
by Preeti S on Dec 10, 2007 08:52 PM   Permalink
Does BJP have the copyright of Hinduism???? By not supporting Advani, does that make one a non hindu??? Who stopped the NDA government from making the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya???
Both the congress and the BJP are just playing with the sentiments of people, dividing them, creating hatred, for their own vested interests....

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  RE:Advani the PM
by Indian on Dec 10, 2007 08:46 PM   Permalink
Tell me how someone can convert to Hindu? If someone converts, then which cast he will be?

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  RE:RE:RE:Advani the PM
by Nageswara Rao on Dec 10, 2007 09:10 PM   Permalink
I put you the same question to you Mr Indian - If any african or asian converts to Christianity, will he be treated equally by European/American christians ? Why there are so many branches/sects/subsects among Christians

Similarly if any person coverts into Islam will he be treated same with Arab Muslims? Why Ahmedis are not accepted as Muslims even though they believe in Allah ? Why there are so many sects/subsects among Muslims and why they fight among themseves.

So you need not heckle about the caste system of Hinduism. Better know about the loopwholes of other communities

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  RE:RE:Advani the PM
by vijay mishra on Dec 10, 2007 08:58 PM   Permalink
If you are serious you should join Arya Samaj.

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  RE:Advani the PM
by Nageswara Rao on Dec 10, 2007 09:13 PM   Permalink
I put you the same question to you Mr Indian - If any african or asian converts to Christianity, will he be treated equally by European/American christians ? Why there are so many branches/sects/subsects among Christians

Similarly if any person coverts into Islam will he be treated same with Arab Muslims? Why Ahmedis are not accepted as Muslims even though they believe in Allah ? Why there are so many sects/subsects among Muslims and why they fight among themseves.

So you need not heckle about the caste system of Hinduism. Better know about the loopwholes of other communities

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
BJP to project Advani as prime minister