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Is it possible??
by Gowdas Rule on Dec 11, 2007 12:49 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Can UP, Bihar & Gujrat be merged and made United States of Gujrat and Advani or Modi be made PM of USG???

Guys give it a serious thought. It wud be an sexellent idea

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  RE:Is it possible??
by balaji ram on Dec 11, 2007 12:53 AM   Permalink
as it is late time ur still sticking to computers,,, u get ideas like this..
hope its time for u to take rest and go to bed..
otherwise only God can save you..

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  RE:Is it possible??
by DM on Dec 11, 2007 07:21 AM   Permalink
I have never said anything which would indicate that I am against a section of the Indian people. But when you raised this I thought why not respond back. From an economic sense, taking out UP ,Bihar and Gujrat from India would actually be a favour to the real India. UP and Bihar, India's most and unproductive and populous state does not add any value to India. I do agree Gujrat is a good state economically but it doesn't matter if we lose that because atleast we can get rid of UP and Bihar in process. Yes your idea is great and take the Modi with you as your PM.

Finally this is for you,don't just say for the sake of saying. Think and then say.UP and Bihar is surviving because of other states for the past 50 years and it is a fact which even a naive child can't deny.

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BJP to project Advani as prime minister