Advani is a big bore now in Indian Politics. He should have retired gracefully like Vajpayee. On other hand its time for him to go to Jinnah memmorial to get some inspiration from his ideal leader.
RE:Advani a loser
by sumangali pukku on Dec 11, 2007 03:18 AM Permalink
we dont need secular guys we need hardcore RSS hindu guys ...we welcome young lad join in ur local city and villages we have RSS camps we will train how to cope up with the terrorist and save humans...We teach them how to lead a good and clean life..Jai RSS Jai VHP Jai Bajrang Dal...we support BJP our political day our RSS leader will become PM of INDIA and we know people of india will support us in all ways.. we need a vibrant, full of life PRaveen Thogadia or any young multi talented RSS young lad or an experienced RSS leaders should become indian Prime minister..we will lead the entire world soon. we will have our cadres everywhere in the world and the world will be full of our RSS sevaks..doing a lot of good the world..we will remove vulgarity, and all stuff..India will be superpower if RSS Comes to power..Lets and hope and wish the same...Jai Hind Jai RSS sevaks...
RE:Advani a loser
by sumangali pukku on Dec 11, 2007 04:20 AM Permalink
yes secularist like u will also be thrown out or wiped out ...dont dare to talk about our RSS ideology....Jai RSS