the reason behind this may be no chance to make money (corruption) in modi's government.that's why many BJP politicians left parties. because if some other person or party comes to rule in gujrat, they can start earning money. as our all politicians are millenior. thanks to all our fool party followers not candidates.
RE:total politics
by Sami on Dec 09, 2007 11:33 AM Permalink
Good, so you want to say that modi was surrounded by corrupt people before. Now they are leaving for others to rule Gujrat.
I have a question. I dont hear in the rediff forum that Advani or wajpayee or muralimanohar joshi are not comming in support of modi. Are they doing so?
RE:total politics
by KhukharShikari on Dec 09, 2007 03:02 PM Permalink
i thnk u r not reading papers, Advani's lot may statements are coming in his favour. And you dont rewquire each and everybody will come and do the campaign.