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congress or njp dono hi khote sikke
by inderjeet singh on Dec 09, 2007 08:41 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Gandhi family Rajeev even killed his mother indira to become PM read December issue 1984 of Amrit Bazaar Patrika of Calcutta which was banned by this rascal they challanged him to come to court and that they will prove he murdered indira and blamed sikhs no investigation was done see the 1st news of the killing day there were 3 persons and third was yadav who jumped the wall and ran away he was the real killer appointed by rajeev truth will never emerge. our country judiciary is no hope and police not worth, god save india Delhi has history of family killing and grabbing the throne see from allowddin khilji and all

mrders by hindus or sikhs no only by congress yes and BJP go and find yourself congress & has history of murders only after terrorism was over and congress won elections in punjab when only 10 % voting was there terrorism stopped and 1st person to hand own terrorist out fit was cdongress chief ministers brothers son and they said he was a misguided person and was not terrorist hemust have been tried the terrorism was the handiwork of congress and to blame sometimes sikhs christians muslims and be goodies with all open your eyes and see the dangerous designs of congress and nathu ram godse is being worshipped by BJP (RSS) jai hind india comes first for us all and for congress congress and for BJP only Hinduism is everything jai hind

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  RE:congress or njp dono hi khote sikke
by ABHIJIT MAHADIK on Dec 09, 2007 11:14 AM   Permalink
i really agree you my true indian friend.these all politicians are same, for them INDIA is nothing.Till 1990 congress make policies for muslims for vote bank. same followed by BJP, they tried with SP/BSP tried to make it for monority india divided in all these castes. now congress starts putting line between hindus by quota system.
today everybody is hindu,muslim,sikh, christ.after some days we will be marathi, kannda, gujrati, tamil,etc.
in this way, we will find INDIANS in INDIA.

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  RE:congress or njp dono hi khote sikke
by mulayam singh on Dec 09, 2007 10:00 AM   Permalink
u r right. it is italians actually did the job. after indira they killed rajiv so that sonia can become th pm or head. look what happened. when rajiv was killed at perumbur every congress leaders incleding sonia knows it. that is why she did not accompany him. also not a single congress leaders with rajiv were killed. only the poor congress workers died. chidambaran, nrs. natarajan, iyer were with him. in the nich of time they left him & moved away. But whether u believe or not there is one called god who will punish the sinners. even sonia will not be there t enjoy the fruits she has to die before april next year.

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