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Answer to Wahaj
by Virgo on Dec 04, 2007 01:30 AM   Permalink


First, as for Taslima, she owes no apology to anyone unless she is proved to be incorrect in what she has stated. I would rather like to see Taslima move to a wester country and retain her intellectual honesty and free-speech.

I am sure you are a peaceful Muslim and you want to live in peace with others. While your sentiments are noble, your quote of the Quran is not quite correct. If you read the whole of the Surah-9 on repentance, you will note that the overall message is that Muslims should kill the kafir until they repent and accept allah. Once they repent, they are to be forgiven, but not before. Take 9:11 for example. It says "9:11 But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion..."

I don't mean to disrespect your faith. But, after reading the Quran, I do believe that it orders Muslims to forcibly convert others or kill them. Therefore, the Islamic terrorists are correct in their interpretations. Thus, there is fundamental problems of intolerance built into the Quran that Muslims must address with intellectual honesty.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Taslima should apologise: Shahi Imam