RE:Where is the Imam
by premjith on Dec 03, 2007 07:05 PM Permalink
It is the matter of pak politics. We are least bothering about the democracy in pak.
RE:Where is the Imam
by saa taa on Dec 03, 2007 06:56 PM Permalink
badboo Pavithran,,,,(funny name)why are u getting religion in between... because of YEH LOG ur country is progressing... keep that in ur dumb mind!
RE:Where is the Imam
by Natural Stone Pavings on Dec 03, 2007 07:24 PM Permalink
yes 1/3 rd of prepartition Indians who are unfortunate Pakistanis now are being denied democratic rights because Jinnah told them to be Islamists and not Democrats
RE:Where is the Imam
by saa taa on Dec 03, 2007 07:10 PM Permalink
My facts are right.. people like u just have one thing in mind and that is to attack muslims.... and then when they retaliate u run for cover and label them as terrorists....
terrorists exist becoz of existence of people like u who are illiterate and dumb..
RE:Where is the Imam
by arijit banerjee on Dec 03, 2007 07:28 PM Permalink
Why every body in the world has problems with Muslims?? Why?? You are fighting with all Christians, Hindu's, Jews ....The basic problem is you are muslims first and then a human being. Change the order, things will improve.
RE:Where is the Imam
by Indian on Dec 03, 2007 07:01 PM Permalink
Dont take every incident happening elsewhere to take chance to attack on muslims. Pakistan may be a self declared Muslim country. Doesnt mean whatever they do represent muslims.