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withdrawal of support
by Nandakumar R on Aug 21, 2007 10:20 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

I wish that the congress has to taste the fruit of withdrawal as they had done it earlier for very very petty and political reasons. They had ousted the Gujral because DMK's ( now the important ally of congress) name was figured in the Jain commission interim report and jain wanted to the then govt to look in to the matter. Gujral never wanted to disally the DMK and congress withdrew their support. Again they had forced the AIADMK to withdraw the support to 13 day BJP regime to only make them (congress) to come in power. But the move was thwarted by Pawar as he didn't want Sonia to become PM ( But again he is parter in the current ally). Deva Gowda's was also their victim. Withdrawal of support is easy joke as for as congress concerned. Now they have to feel the same for themselves. Then only they realise it. Jayalalitha has been suffering since she withdraw the suppor to BJP. I need congress also to suffer the same way.

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  RE:withdrawal of support
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 10:32 AM   Permalink
What will be the net result on this politics of brinkmanship besides serving prsonal egos. Where does it leave the country????????

Are you a politician Mr. Nandakumar who breeds on hatred or are you an Indian national who thinks of India First.

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  RE:withdrawal of support
by ravi mishra on Aug 21, 2007 10:34 AM   Permalink
It's very depressing to knopw that under this circuimstances also some people are interested in taking revenge with a political party rather than looking for national interest.That is not only congress who is going to suffer or enjoy, but this deal is going to Decide the future of INDIA. Think about this first

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Will the govt pass N-deal?