RE:Manmohan and the Communists
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 08:27 AM Permalink
Traitors BJP and CPI/M are causing the problem. They both know the Nuclear deal is good for India. But they are not supporting it because they dont want congress to take any credit. Their only worry is votes and dont care for India. We very well know Communist supported China when it attacked India. BJP sided with Godse instead of Gandhi. What can be expected of them.
RE:Manmohan and the Communists
by AG on Aug 21, 2007 08:22 AM Permalink
Hey there, Cant Live in the present and think of the future. If Mahesh , our classmate of 2 nd standard ate our lunch 20 yrs ago...., you will continue to have nightmares about it and die with hatred and revenge in your heart...? I feel sorry for you as you are living in the past.
RE:Manmohan and the Communists
by Joe on Aug 21, 2007 08:23 AM Permalink
Why is left creating a problem now when they could have started the same thing when the deal was in early stages? Are they trying to show the whole India that they are still alive or did the warning from China came to them very late?