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left getting directive from China to oppose the nuke deal ?
by phunu bhattacharjee on Aug 21, 2007 01:08 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Yes, probably so. Since we know very well that since the begining of the nuke deal, china has been puting its pressure on USA to stop this deal alongside Pakistan. The left are doing to please their bosses in Bejing without caring much for the benifit that India is going to achieve tremendously on energy sector for its all out growth. China thus could achive to have s solid partner in the form of LEFT to oppose the deal in the home front as well. It is the policy of China to dominate SE Asia and never wanated India to become superpower.
The left should consider theselves as true Indian first or else they will be termed as traitor and history will never forgive them.
PP Bhattacharjee

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  RE:left getting directive from China to oppose the nuke deal ?
by Raj on Aug 21, 2007 02:22 PM   Permalink
The whole of budget of LEFT parties which is more than 700 million dollars a year is supported by China

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Will the govt pass N-deal?